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Step 1: How To Connect Enrolmy To Xero


  1. Your organisation uses Xero Accounting Software

  2. You want to integrate your Enrolmy Account with your Xero Organisation

This document assumes the following:

  • You have undergone a Xero Introduction Course and understand these basic accounting principles

  • You have prepared your sessions & categories

  • You have all your account codes in Xero setup with payments enabled to them

Connect Enrolmy To Your Xero Organisation

  1. In Enrolmy, select the + next to Money

  2. Select Xero Sync

  3. Choose Connect to Xero

  4. You will be prompted to log into your Xero Account

  5. Choose the account that you will allow Enrolmy to access and select Allow Access

  6. You will be taken back to your Enrolmy account stating you have successfully connected your Xero Account:

  7. Your next step is to complete your chart of accounts setup. Please see here how to do this.

Now that Enrolmy & Xero have been connected. You will need to set your chart of accounts in Enrolmy!

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