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How to Make Changes To A Published Staff Roster


  1. You are using Enrolmy’s Rostering feature

  2. You want to know how to publish a roster

  3. You want to communicate the rosters to your staff

This document assumes the following:

Editing Assignments on Published Rosters

Follow the below steps in case you need to modify assignments on published rosters:

  1. On the Calendar tab, click on the shift/staff you wish to update

  2. Do the necessary changes you require such as changing shift details, position, or staff

  3. Click Save

Communicating Roster Changes to Staff

The tab turns yellow to indicate that a published roster has been modified. To communicate these changes to staff, follow the prompts below:

  1. Click on the arrow beside Modified


2. Select which staff you want to notify

3. Add any custom message as required

4. Click Publish


Nice one! You now know how publish and modify rosters!

Last updated

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