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How To Print Blank Safety Forms


  1. You want a parent to complete a paper copy of the Safety Form

This document assumes the following:

  • You are familiar with the Customers Tab on Enrolmy

  • You have set up your Safety Form in the setting section

  • You are connected to a printer and know how to print

How To Print A Blank Safety Form

  1. Head to the Customers Tab

  2. Select Print Safety Forms

  3. A blank safety form will open in another tab ready for you to select Print

A scenario to consider:

  1. You are a new Enrolmy user running your first programme and the chances of walk-ins are very likely. Therefore having blank safety forms on site to be completed will be advantageous. Alongside having a printed hard copy roll to capture signatures.

Great! You now know how to print off a blank safety form! Please check How to Print a Completed Hardcopy Safety Form!

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