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How To Process A Bank Transfer Refund


  1. You want to refund a customer by bank transfer

  2. You need to know how to reconcile that bank transfer refund inside Enrolmy

This document assumes the following:

  • You have correctly cancelled your booking which generated a credit note automatically 

How To Process A Bank Transfer Refund In Enrolmy

Complete the following steps:

  1. Within the Money tab, select Credit Notes and select the Current tab to locate the customer's credit note for a refund.

  2. Select the credit note to open it and choose +More.

  3. Complete the refund details:

    1. Select bank transfer as the refund option

    2. Input the reference for the refund

    3. Ensure the refund total amount is equal to the credit note total amount.

  4. Select Create Refund.

  5. The credit note will now be marked off as Paid.

Transfer Funds To The Customer

Now you can do a manual bank transfer to your customer through your Internet banking.

Please note that STEP 2 can be prioritized and done as STEP 1 when required.

Please note that the above process applies regardless of the original payment method (it includes payments received via credit / debit card)

Great! You can now process a bank transfer refund!

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