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How Your Parents Can Avoid Duplicate Bookings


  1. You as a parent want to avoid making duplicate bookings

This document assumes you know the following:

Areas that parents are advised to check upon for a booking they are making for a child that already has a booking:

1. General view of your Parent's Account: 

There you will be able to see Your Recent Bookings

  • If there are no current bookings for the respective provider and activity, you will see a message stating that under the Activity Details section. If there are current bookings, the message will not appear.

  • You can then click on Modify Booking and view the Existing Booking details and/or Modify the respective booking (if needed)

2. My Bookings → Current Bookings section

  • There you will be able to see your Current Bookings

3. Recent Bookings

  • If you are elsewhere within the Enrolmy Parent's Account, select the child and the associated activity to view the current bookings

4. If you are using the Activity URL or selecting the activity from the provider's Enrolmy Minisite

  • You will be able to see the following view and amend the booking if required

Congratulations! You now know How to Avoid Duplicate Bookings!

 Last Updated:

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