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Promo Codes: Reusability Definitions


  1. You are wanting to set up the correct promo code rule of use

This document assumes you know the following:

Where to Find Reusability Rule Options

Please head to +SettingsActivity Settings Promo Codes:

Reusability of Rule Explained

Once only by one Family Member

  • This code can only be used once per family (only one child) for the Activity Type selected:

Once only by each Family Member

  • This code can be used by each family member only once (for example, 4 children, each can receive it once).

Once Per activity by one Family Member

  • This code can only be used once per family (one child only) for each activity - depending on the activity selected on Activity Type:

Once Per activity by each Family Member

  • This code can be used by each family member (for example, 4 out of 4 children) once per activity - depending on the activity selected on Activity Type:

An Unlimited Number

  • No limit of usages for this Promo Code rule. 

Great! You now understand the reusability rules in promo codes!

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