How To Setup Promo Codes
You are a provider wanting to enable the use of the promo code feature on Enrolmy
You want to setup a promo code for customers to utilise
You want to activate the promo codes ability for certain activities
This document assumes the following:
You understand how to navigate Enrolmy
You have read and understood how your parents are going to use these promo codes during their booking process - How Parents Use Promo Codes In Booking Process
Guide Overview:
In this help guide you will find the following sections covered;
How Enrolmy Discounts Work Together
How to Setup a Promo Code
How to Enable Promo Codes Within an Activity
How to Use Promo Codes as a Direct Discount
How Enrolmy Discounts Work Together
When the promo code discount is used, any other discounts set up in the activity or against the customer will also be applied at the time of booking. Please see the other discount types available to you;
How to Setup a Promo Code
1. Within your organisation Settings, select Promo Codes
2. Click + Add New Promo Code to create an actual discount code

3. To create a promotional code, the following details needs to be completed;
Promo Code Field - This is the actual discount code to be used by the customer during their booking process.
Description Field- This is a description of the discount that will also be visible to the customer.
Activity Type Field - Restrict the use of this discount code for specific activity types only.
Discount Field - Define the discount amount in either:
Percentage value
No discount
Reusability Field - Define how often you want to allow parents to utilise this discount code. Please refer to this help guide to understand this field.
Expire This Discount On Field - Choose a date that the promo code will expire.
Promo code usage - Choose how many times this promo code can be used before it becomes invalid
Direct Discount - If a customer uses this promo code, do you want this discount to apply to multiple children in their family or other future bookings they make? If so, then select ON - Attach This Discount Permanently As A Direct Discount.
Visibility Field - This is how you activate the promo code voucher.
4. Select Save Voucher and move on to the next step in the setup process.

How to Enable Promo Codes Within an Activity
During the promo codes setup phase, you had to decide what activity type you want to enable this promo code against. Now you will have to activate the specific activities that you want to offer the discount against.
1. Head to your chosen activity and select edit activity.
2. Scroll to the Discounts Section
3. Select the tick box to allow for promo codes to be used for this activity.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the activity form and select Save Changes

How To Use Promo Codes As A Direct Discount
Promo codes can be used to create Direct Discounts for customers. These discounts will be permanently attached just like Direct Discounts after the customer first uses the Promo Code.

Please refer to this help guide if you would like to learn How to View Promo Code Discounts Used by Customers
Awesome! Now you know how to setup promo codes!
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