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Activate Roster Add-On


  1. You want to know how to activate Rostering for your organisation.

  2. You want to know the cost of the Rostering add-on

How To Activate The Roster Add-On

  1. Head to the Roster Menu

Capture 2024-05-21 at 9.42.01.png
  1. Select Let’s Get Started, Turn on Enrolmy Rostering Now

  2. The add-on will automatically be included on your upcoming subscription invoice=

Capture 2024-05-21 at 9.41.14.png

Roster Pricing



Per Additional Staff


$28.00 NZD per month for 10 rostered staff

$4.00 NZD per additional staff


$28.00 AUD per month for 10 rostered staff

$4.00 AUD per additional staff


£14.00 per month for 10 rostered staff

£1.90 per additional staff

Last updated

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