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How To Handle Bookings Funded By Other Organisations


  1. Bookings are made and paid by a third-party organisation

  2. Bookings are made by a provider and paid by a third-party organisation

  3. Bookings are made by a parent but paid for by a third-party organisation

This document assumes the following:

  • You have an activity set up ready to take bookings

How Bookings Are Made And Paid By A Third Party

The third-party organisation would need to create their own account in Enrolmy and associate the bookings that they are going to pay for.

  1. Third-party organisation to create an account on Enrolmy

  2. Add and book in the children that they are going to be paying for

  3. Invoices will be generated in the third party’s name which they can pay for

The above outlined process is not commonly used, however, only applicable if the third-party would like to take ownership of creating bookings.

How Bookings Are Made By A Provider And Paid By A Third Party

You would create a placeholder Enrolmy account and associate the children.

  1. You would create an account for the third-party organisation using the quick book function or add an adult in Enrolmy and enter their details. This will create a placeholder account

  2. You can then add individual children underneath this account, and you can add a flag against the children to easily differentiate them

  3. From here, you can add the children to the relevant activities by creating bookings for them

  4. When invoices are generated, they will be sent to the third-party organisation for payment

The above outlined process has been proven to be the most effective and is the most commonly used.

How Bookings Are Made By A Parent And Paid By A Third Party

The parent would create an account and associate their children but the invoices would be paid by the third party.

  1. The parent would create an account on Enrolmy

  2. Add their children and create bookings

  3. Invoices would be generated in the parent’s name, therefore, would need to be downloaded and sent directly to the third-party organisation

 Great! You now know how to handle bookings paid by a third party organisation.

 Last Updated:



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