How To Handle WINZ Reconciliation If An Error Occurs
You have reconciled your weekly Subsidy statement but something is incorrect
This document assumes the following:
You have access to the Original WINZ statement
Identifying Error During/After WINZ Reconciliation
If an error has occurred during or after WINZ reconciliation, it can be identified as follows:
Action Required
Highlighted in red
Generally, the “Action required” appears due to an incomplete reconciliation and can be easily rectified by completing the reconciliation, which will remove the “Action required”.
However, if further correction is required, you can unlock the line item highlighted in red.
Unlocking WINZ Statement Lines
To unlock a statement line, follow the actions below:
Click the red 'lock' symbol next to the statement item you want to unlock
Select 'OK', and the statement item will now be unlocked
Important note:
If a credit note has already been made for that statement item it will be automatically Voided.
If the credit note has been allocated to an invoice the statement item can not be unlocked.
If WINZ Credit Notes have already been allocated to an invoice
In order to unlock your subsidy line item, you will need to un-apply the WINZ credit note from the invoice. See how in this help guide: How to Unapply a Credit Note from an Invoice
Awesome! You know how to handle the WINZ Reconciliation if an error occurs!
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