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How To Refund WINZ Overpayments


  1. WINZ has requested you to complete a refund for an overpayment

  2. You want to know the best practice to refund that overpayment back to WINZ

This document assumes the following:

How To Refund An Overpayment Back To WINZ

Before actioning a refund back to WINZ, you need to ensure that you have a Liability Account within your Xero Chart of Accounts called WINZ Repayments. This account should have payments enabled.



Full Refund

In Xero:

  1. If the WINZ Credit Notes are applied to invoices, these will need to be unallocated.

  2. Once removed from invoices, make a cash refund at the bottom of the credit note ensuring the Paid From represents the WINZ Repayments account:

  3. Pay WINZ the refund from your bank account and code it to the WINZ Repayments account. This will in turn balance the WINZ Repayments account.

In Enrolmy:

  1. Complete a Xero sync.

  2. All WINZ credit notes will be marked as refunded.

  3. Send the outstanding invoices to your parent for payment.

Partial Refund

Complete the same process as above, however, when making a cash refund edit the amount to reflect a partial refund.

Awesome! You now know how to refund WINZ Overpayments!

 Last Updated:


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