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How To Update Xero Chart Of Accounts And Tracking In Enrolmy


  1. Your organisation uses Xero Accounting Software

  2. You would like to update Xero Chart of Accounts in Enrolmy

  3. You would like to update Xero Tracking Codes in Enrolmy

This document assumes you know the following:

Updating Xero Chart of Accounts

Should you need to update any of your Xero accounts, you will need to ensure that you update your Xero Chart of Accounts within Enrolmy to reflect these changes:

  1. Select the + next to the Money tab

  2. Choose Xero sync

  3. Select Xero Settings and proceed to update your Xero Chart of Accounts

Congratulations! You now know how to update your Xero chart of accounts in Enrolmy!

Last Updated:

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