Waiting Lists & Attendance - Overview And Change Management
You are running an Activity on Enrolmy for which you have enabled the waitlist function
You have bookings on a waitlist
You are wanting to increase your session attendance caps
This document assumes the following:
You know how to set up your activity with the waitlist function switched on
You know the business rhythm of the activity
When a parent makes a booking and they are going to be placed on a waiting list, this is made clear with various notifications as they book. Please refer to this help guide for further details: What Parents See When a Booking Gets Waitlisted
From your view (as a provider) for activities, a “Waiting since” column shows on the “Waiting List” tab. This shows the time a booking was made.
Activity’s “Attendance” tab
You can see by expanding a day (by clicking on the drop-down arrow) how many “Bookable places” exist for each session, and as you modify the cap for each session, this number will also change.
Moving attendees off the Waitlist
Please refer to this help guide in order to understand how to move attendees off the Waitlist and the related automated email notifications.
Moving attendees to the Waitlist
Please refer to this help guide in order to understand how to move attendees to the Waitlist and the related manual email notifications.
Important Information - Session Cap Changes
Please see the below SCENARIO:
You have set a cap of 5 places, and enabled waitlisting
You took bookings and they reached the cap with the latest bookings appearing on the waitlist
You then increased the cap and expected there to be now waitlisted bookings or for new bookings to not go on to the waitlist
Please see the below diagram that explains Enrolmy Waiting list functionality and what your next steps are:
Option 1: Bookings need to be moved off the waiting list and into full bookings. As long as there are children on the waiting list new bookings will always go to the waiting list. The reason: those who have been waiting the longest do not have their places taken and also so that the provider can choose who on the waiting list attends.
Option 2: If you now know that customers on the waitlist are not coming, you should cancel those bookings. The best approach would be to edit the booking for each child where you can easily untick the days they are not coming. If the child is not attending at all then you should be able to use the “Cancel booking” option to remove the entire booking.
Awesome! You now know how to use waiting lists and edit attendance in your activities.
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