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Customer Balance Differences in Xero Compared To Enrolmy


  1. You want to understand how the Xero and Enrolmy integration works

  2. You want to find out why there is a difference between Xero and Enrolmy customer account payable or receivable balances

  3. You want to troubleshoot and resolve some balance discrepancies you are seeing inside Enrolmy and Xero

This document assumes:

  • You understand basic accounting principles

  • You are a proficient user of Xero

Commons Explanations For Differences

Enrolmy has specific capabilities in connection with Xero. This does mean that specific changes may not be identified in Enromy from Xero due to different reasons. We have identified the possible reasons that could cause the differences. 




Prepayments/ Overpayments in Xero

Although Prepayments/ overpayments are types of payments recognized by Enrolmy, if they are not attached to an invoice Enrolmy does not know about them.

The immediate steps you can take to troubleshoot to identify the reason for the differences are:

  • Download the Activity Statement from Enrolmy and from Xero. Please see this help guide on where to find activity statements: When & How To Use Activity Statements

  • Compare them line by line and identify payments and invoices that do not match and if there are any prepayments or overpayments

Invoices/credit notes have not gone to Xero

You will NOT be able to see the "View in Xero" icon on the invoice in Enrolmy if this invoice has not gone to Xero.

You can easily differentiate which invoices and credit notes have gone synced to Xero by simply looking if there is a Xero bubble beside the invoice or credit note number. Lack of Xero bubble icon means that the financial document has not been sent to Xero.

Historical Data

You may have historical invoices/credit notes within Xero that Enrolmy does not know about

The immediate steps you can take to troubleshoot to identify the reason for the differences are:

  • Download the Activity Statement from Enrolmy and from Xero. Please see this help guide on where to find activity statements: When & How To Use Activity Statements

  • Compare them line by line and identify payments and invoices that do not match and if there are any prepayments or overpayments

Great! Now you understand some reasons why there may be differences between Xero and Enrolmy.

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