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Emailing Your Customers - Overview


  1. You need to email a booking calendar to your customer

  2. You need to email a personalised or an existing email template

This document assumes the following:

You Can Email Your Customers From:

Activities Tab

  • Email All Attendees

  • Email Booking Summary

  • Email Attendee Lists to Staff

Each Activity

  • Email booking calendar

  • Email personalised or existing template 

Customers tab

  • Email personalised or existing template 

Communication tab

  • Email personalised or existing template 

 Please note - this help guide does not discuss emailing invoices and credit notes!

Emailing From Activities Tab

Head to the Activities Tab and select the activity you would like to do the following for

  • Email All Attendees

  • Email Booking Summary

Emailing From Each Activity

Email personalised or existing template

1. Head to the respective activity

2. Depending on activity type, head to the:

- Booked In or Waiting List (Classes and Lessons)

- All Attendees or Bookings (Before and After School and Holiday programme)

3. Select the child(ren) you would like to email to and tap Email next to the search bar

4. An email view will open where you will be able to select the template required to the customers selected

Email Booking Calendar

1. Head to the respective activity

2. Depending on activity type, head to the:

  • Booked In or Waiting List (Classes and Lessons)

  • All Attendees or Bookings (Before and After School and Holiday programme)

3. Select the child(ren) you would like to email to and tap + More next to the search bar

4. Select Email Booking Calendar or Email Calendar (for Classes and Lessons)

Emailing From Customers Tab

Email personalised or existing template

1. Head to the Customers tab

2. Head to one of the tabs required

  • Active Accounts

  • New Accounts

  • Placeholder Accounts

3. You can filter your customers by Groups, Venues, Schools, School years and tags:

4. Select the client you would like to email to and tap Email next to the search bar

Emailing From The Communication Tab

You can email from the Communication tab by filtering the attendees by choosing the group and venue needed. Please see this help guide: How to Bulk Email 

​ Congratulations! You now know how to email your customers from various tabs in Enrolmy!

 Last Updated:

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