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How To Remedy Credit Card Payments And Prepayments going Into Incorrect Xero Bank Account


  1. Credit card payments are syncing into your main Xero transactional account

  2. Credit card prepayments are syncing into your main Xero transactional account

This document assumes you know the following:

  • You have an active Xero account connected to Enrolmy

  • You are a proficient Xero user

  • You are a proficient Enrolmy user

When completing your Chart of Accounts in Xero Integration, we suggest the account code EMY-CCSUSS for all credit card payments. Find more information here.

How To Remedy If The Incorrect Account Has Been Selected

To be completed in Xero:

  1. In Xero, open up the Bank Reconciliation for the account the Credit Card payments have been syncing to:

  2. Head to Account Transactions:

  3. In Account Transactions select Filter → Status → Unreconciled to find the credit card payments or credit card prepayments. They will show as unreconciled:

  4. Select the transactions and Remove and Redo:

  • You can do this for all transactions at one time.

  • The Credit Card payment or prepayment will now be removed from the account transactions list.

To be completed in Enrolmy:

  1. Head to Enrolmy and complete a Xero Sync.

  2. Head to the Money tab:

  3. You will see a Red Banner at the top of the screen that looks like the below:

  4. From here, follow the steps outlined in this help guide:

Awesome! You now know how to remedy Credit Card transactions in the wrong account

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