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How Adjustments Are Created


  1. You want to understand what adjustments are

  2. You want to understand how adjustments in Enrolmy are created

This document assumes the following:

Adjustments Process Overview

How Adjustments Occur

Adjustments are the reflection of booking/attendance changes that have been made by parents or providers in relation to bookings with the purpose of creating a corresponding financial document - a draft credit note or invoice.

Adjustments can be generated in a:

  • Holiday Programme activity that invoices in advance

  • Before and After School activity that invoices in advance

  • Classes and Lessons activity

  • Camp activity type that invoices in advance

  • Team Sports activity type that invoices in advance

How Adjustments Are Created




Fully paid bookings are cancelled

  1. The provider might edit and remove the fully paid booking, which will generate an adjustment to credit.

  2. The provider might mark the attendee absent with no charge on the daily attendance, which will generate an adjustment to credit for that specific session/day. Some providers mark attendees absent with no charge on all days of the attendance, generating multiple adjustments that will be tied up in one credit note.

  3. Within the classes and lessons activity type; a provider might select the cancel and fully refund a booking. This will generate an adjustment to credit.

  1. The parent might cancel their fully paid booking prior to the programme starting. This will generate an adjustment to credit.

Partially paid bookings are cancelled

  1. The provider might edit and remove the attendee's booking on days that the programme has not yet run. This will generate an adjustment to credit. The credit amount will only reflect the removed but paid for sessions that will not be attended. All attended sessions/sessions that have run in the past will not be created as an adjustment to credit.

  2. The provider might mark the attendee absent with no charge on the daily attendance, which will generate an adjustment to credit for that specific session/day.

  3. Within the classes and lessons activity type; a provider might select the cancel and partially refund a booking option. This will generate an adjustment to credit for the days that will no longer be attended that were paid for by the parent. An adjustment to credit will be generated.

  1. The parent may modify their existing booking and remove booked and paid days that they originally wanted their child to attend. This could happen prior to the programme beginning, or halfway through the activity. This will generate an adjustment to credit for the days that will no longer be attended which were initially paid for. 

Unpaid bookings are cancelled

  1. The provider might edit and remove the attendees booking. No adjustment will be created. The original invoice will be voided.


Additional day/sessions have been added to the booking

  1. The provider has edited the child's booking and added another day/session to their booking that was not initially invoiced for. Once the booking change has been saved, an adjustment to invoice will be created.

  2. The provider adds the child to the attendance on a day that they were not already booked into and invoiced for. Once the attendance page has been saved, an adjustment to invoice will be created.

  3. On the attendance for the day, the provider changes the booked session to a session that costs more than what the original booking was invoiced for. Once the attendance page has been saved, an adjustment to invoice will be created.


A child was on the waiting list, but has now been moved to the booked in list in the attendance section

  1. The provider has moved the child on the waitlist, to the booked in list. Once the attendance page has been saved, an adjustment to invoice will be created.


A child was on the booked in list and their invoice for this day/session has been paid. But the provider moves the child to the waitlist

  1. The provider moves a child from the attendance to the waitlist. Once the attendance page has been saved, an adjustment to credit will be created.


Awesome! Now you should understand all the scenarios that can occur which will create a pending adjustment.

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